ez ✔

ez ✔ is an extremely powerful, yet simple and fun to use software product that gives you the superpower to focus on building solid habits of the most important activities for your success in Life and Business.

The more you use it, the better it gets... and so do you.

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Monday, February 17, 2020

Tech Notes, Advanced

Technical Notes for Advanced Users

The notes below are for developers and highly experienced users,
and not at all essential for most users.

Retain the formula in selected cells in Column C
If the last character in an activity description in column B is "-", this will cause the formula in the corresponding column C row to be retained when the new Column C is created each evening. Otherwise all contents of Column C cells will be reset to blank. Note that the Value of the cell in C is transferred to the new column C, but not the formula. This is useful in conjunction with the IMPORTRANGE function, see below.

Import values from Other Spreadsheets
Using the IMPORTRANGE function in a cell, it is easy to copy a value from another Google spreadsheet and paste it into EZchecklist. One use for this would be to import your Weight for today from a spreadsheet that is fed by IFTTT that picks up the most recent weight from your Withings scale.  Another use for this function is to post a summary value the details of which are confidential. For example, you want to post total expenses from another sheet that is private, and that would include individual salaries which you want to keep undisclosed. 

Score() - a scorekeeping function
Notice there is a special function called score(C5:C37)
This is a function that looks at the contents in the named range of cells in column C
for the appearance of a drop-down selection that looks like this: (score=1)
This tells the function to add 1 Standard Score Unit to the overall score for the day so far.

You can change the values of the scorekeeping by changing the
Drop-Down list under Data Validation.

          Automatic backups!  
Have no fear of experimenting. There are multiple safety nets.
For starters, you have the Undo command (command-Z) to Undo the
last changes you made. And if that’s not good enough,
you have Google’s built-in archiving service. 
Click File - See revision history.  

Drop-down lists
Data Validation (see menu item Data/Data Validation, laptop only)
can be used to make it easy to enter data accurately and quickly
without using the keyboard.
This makes using it on mobile devices especially quick and easy.
You can easily modify the list of allowable items by selecting the cell(s) you want to change,
and then click Data/Data Validation. Click here for help.

Time considerations
Every day, at some point after midnight, the details of the day are saved
and a fresh checklist is created for the new day.
The default time for this is between midnight and 1PM, but this can be user defined.

If your day usually extends a little later and you want to push back your End of Day,
see menu Tools, Script Editor, click the Clock (Current Project’s Triggers),
and finally, change the time.

Sharing your EZchecklist with one or more people.
Click the big blue Share button on the top right corner of your EZchecklist
and enter the email address of the person(s) you want to be able to View or Edit.

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