ez ✔

ez ✔ is an extremely powerful, yet simple and fun to use software product that gives you the superpower to focus on building solid habits of the most important activities for your success in Life and Business.

The more you use it, the better it gets... and so do you.

Price: Free. Start Now: Read the User Guide


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Research for Your Checklist Activities

When you first start out with your shiny new checklist, you might wonder what Activities you want to track...

We did too, so we did a lot of research on the topic of What Successful People Do, and we organized it all into a list, and we continued to build the list as time went on. 

Now that list is available to you, just click here.

Obviously, you want to keep your checklist focused on just the activities that are most important for you, for the near future, so choose from the list the activities that speak to you most clearly. 

Knowing is the enemy of learning: Tom Chi at TEDxSemesteratSea

1. Knowing is the Enemy of Learning
2. See verbs as nouns
3. Use Reality as the Medium


Monday, September 28, 2020

Bonus Scoring

Some activities are more important than others and you may want to increase the score for those activities to recognize their increased value.

Here's how to do it:

Let's say the the activity in row 13 is a checkbox, and when you check that box you typically get 10 points (BasicScoreUnit), but because it is more important than some other activities you want to get 20 points if checked.
Do this:

1.  Double click the cell C2 to display the standard Score Formula. It will display something that looks like this:


2.  Add this line to the second line of the Score formula:

              IF(C13 = True, 10) +

This adds an additional 10 points to the 10 that will be added from the rest of the Score Formula.  But why stop at double double the score; what not make it 50 extra points, or even a thousand. This is your life, your rules, and you can keep score any way you want.

The new Score Formula should look like this:

IF(C13 = True, 10) +

3.  If you want this new Score Formula to apply to all the other days, simply highlight cell C2 and drag it over the rest of the days in your checklist.  Bingo!

4.  If the activity in, say, row 13 is not a checkbox, but it tracks hours, then add a line like this:

C13*BasicScoreUnit +

and insert it into line 2 of the Score Formula, so it will look like this:

C13*BasicScoreUnit + 
IF(C13 = True, 10) +

A big Thank You to "Emily" for the suggestion to weight some activities more than others.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Welcome to EZchecklist™

New to EZchecklist™?    

EZchecklist is an extremely powerful, yet simple and fun to use software product that gives you the superpower to focus on and build solid habits of the most important activities for your success in Life and Business. 

The more you use it, the better it gets... and so do you.

You tell EZchecklist what kind of person you want to become, and check in once or twice a day, and over a short period of time you will notice a better you, and so will your friends. 

Can you invest 10 minutes each day to become the best person you can imagine, and/or succeed in business beyond your dreams?

Completely private, or share with your team or coach, whoever.

Price: Free. 

Get Started Now:  Read the User Guide. 

Blog posts below...

Monday, September 21, 2020

EZchecklist™ Update - First Day of Autumn, 2020

Summer's gone, a new season begins... it's a perfect time to reflect and re-commit to paying attention to what we do daily to improve our lives


1. Reviews! We love the love. Of course we're stoked when a Checklist user sends a written review to say how much they value the experience of paying attention to what they are doing with their lives, and how Checklist app makes it easy and fun. Here's a sampling of reviews we think you may find useful/inspirational, maybe you'll find yours in there!

2. Giving the baby a name. Over the years of nurturing the concept of the format of a checklist as a way to create the life you want, several product names have been used. We're still looking for a great name, but for now a working name one step better than "ProductName" should be assigned now that we're moving into a new phase of the product/business. Announcing... the working name is "EZchecklist". Let's think of a better one. The website is EZchecklistApp.com.

3. Product - Business Roadmap. Looking to the future. Opportunities galore! Check it out.

4. How you can help. We're looking to welcome about 7 more serious users within the next few weeks. If you know of someone who wants to, or needs to, start building a great life, you can be sure they will thank you for sharing what you are doing.

Product - Business Roadmap


The software is now an evolved Google spreadsheet, and is being continuously updated based on user feedback. Now running on browsers for Mac and Windows, and using the Google Drive app for iPhone and android. The following improvements are planned:

Support Community

A forum for users to get support, help, share tips, tricks, etc. This resource will continue to increase in value the more we all use it and be an important element in providing excellent customer service. 

Topics for sharing may be Score-keeping formulas and special options as well as integrations, such as auto-posting from the Withings wi-fi connected bathroom scale. 

Library of Add-on Checklists

Like the AppStore for apps, the Add-on Checklist Library is the place to visit for specialized, yet customizable, checklists for such things as Shopping List, Back Pain, GoBag (coming soon), and thousands more. Free or almost free. Contributing a checklist is a good way to introduce your business products and services and establish yourself as an expert on the subject.

Business Opportunities

Advertise to the most focused people on the planet (people who use EZchecklist).

Native Smartphone apps

iPhone and Android apps will allow a variety of important new features, make the new user process easier, and improve the User Experience.


Get a text, email, whatever, when you haven't checked in recently. An ideal feature for new users. 

Voice to checklist

Tight integration of voice to text to speak checklist inputs.