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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Quotations Improved

A timer is set to show a new quotation/author every N minutes, where N is defined in the Controls! tab. N is usually 1 or 5 minutes, but can be 15

However, now you have some control over the content. We've added two buttons to operate the quotations.

The "New" button will display another random quote from the Quotes sheet.

The "Save" button will move the quote/author in column B to column C. You would do this when you find one that speaks to you and you want to save it as a Quote of the Day.  Each Save wipes out what was in Column C and replaces it with what's in B.

Known limitation: these buttons work fine on laptop (MacBook Pro) but are inoperable on mobile device (iPhone).

Next: A favorite button, and a Delete button.

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